Mefenoxam is a phenylamide. It has a high systemic activity and shows protective and curative properties. It is effective against the surface and intraseed infections, is rapidly absorbed by seeds and is evenly distributed throughout the plant after sprouting, protecting seedlings and roots from both seed-borne and air-borne diseases. Mefenoxam is particularly effective against Oomycetes causing false powdery mildew (Plasmopara helianthi), as well as against several rots (Pythium ѕpp., Fusarium ѕpp., Rhizoctonia ѕpp., etc.). The mechanism of action involves inhibition of protein synthesis in fungi by suppressing ribosomal RNA synthesis.
Fludioxonil is a phenylpyrrole. It has a contact action with long-term residual activity. It has a broad spectrum of action and is effective against Ascomycetes (particularly Fusarium), Basidiomycetes and imperfect fungi that enter the soil through seeds. It has no negative effect on beneficial microorganisms. The mechanism of action of fludioxonil involves the inhibition of glucose phosphorylation during cellular respiration, which disrupts the functioning of fungal cell membranes and slows mycelium growth.
Protective effect period
Messer, ME, ensures protection for up to 12 weeks.
Rate of exposure
The fungicidal effect occurs immediately after the treatment of seeds. It promotes even and healthy sunflower sprouts and protects against primary and secondary infections during the early stages of growth and development.
Spectrum of action
Downy mildew, white mould, grey mould, stem blight, Fusarium blight, root rots, seed mould, Alternaria blight