The preparation is intended to regulate acidity and to improve the quality of water used to prepare working liquids of plant protection products and agrochemicals.
Improves stability and homogeneity of the working solution
Reduces surface liquid tension due to presence of adjuvant
Increases the overall effectiveness of chemical treatment
General information
Application notes Estimation:
Consumption rate: 50-180 ml per 100 l of water.
The consumption rate depends on the pH and hardness of water used to prepare the working solution. Before use, in a separate container dose the preparation as appropriate for specific water using the color scale. The optimum pH of the working solution must be within the range of 4.5-5.5.
To determine consumption when applying the preparation together with fertilizers or agrochemicals that also acidify water, pour water into a separate container, add the fertilizer or agrochemical in the required amount, and determine the consumption rate.
This sequence is used for estimation only.
Prepare the working solution immediately before use, and use it on the same day.
Fill 1/2 of the sprayer with water, add the estimated amount of Lacmus, and stir thoroughly. Then, add the plant protection chemicals in accordance with the usage recommendations for each specific preparation. Add all preparations in their proper order stirring the solution thoroughly after adding each component. In the end, add the remaining water and thoroughly stir the solution.
The product has a strong acidic reaction. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothes.
When working with Lacmus, all personnel must be provided with special clothes (coveralls and rubber boots) and individual protection (rubber and cotton gloves, breathing masks, goggles).
Personal hygiene rules are to be observed. During work, it is prohibited to store or eat food. It is not allowed to use the product in household conditions.
Secondary use of the containers for domestic needs is prohibited.
It is not allowed to discharge the preparation into water bodies or the sewage system.
Storage conditions:
The product must be kept in its original package ensuring protection against direct sunlight or precipitation.
The temperature interval for storage is from -20°C to +35°C
Guaranteed shelf life: 5 years Shelf life: 5 years