Hayfields and pastures

Imidacloprid 200 g/l

Systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid class for a wide range of crops

Cellulose derivative, auxiliary substances and water.

A natural sticky agent; an adjuvant improving the quality of plant treatment with working liquid and enhancing the effect of insecticides and fungicides.

Silicone emulsion.

A highly efficient silicone emulsion defoamer.

Оrganic silicone (modified heptamethyltrisiloxane) – above 80%, auxiliary substances. 

Superwetting agent reducing the surface tension of working solutions. 

Orthophosphoric acid, acidity indicator, buffer reagents, adjuvant, water.

The preparation is intended to regulate acidity and to improve the quality of water used to prepare working liquids of plant protection products and agrochemicals.

brodifacoum 2 g/l

A rodenticide intended for the preparation of poisoned food bait used to combat various types of rodents on plantings of all crops of open and protected soil, including winter crops, perennial grasses, greenlands, pastures, trees, and bushes, in premises of various purposes and adjacent areas.

diflubenzuron 125 g/l + imidacloprid 110 g/l

Powerful double-action insecticide to combat locusts, needle- and leaf-eating insects, pests of rapeseed crops.

alpha-cypermethrin 100 g/l

Intestinal contact insecticide of synthetic pyrethroid group against a wide range of pests (flea beetles, greenflies, frog-flies, thrips, acridoid grasshoppers, Oulema, potato beetle, weevils, leaf rollers, etc.) of cereal crops, potato, sugar beet, maize, and other agricultural crops.

dimethoate 300 g/l + beta-cypermethrin 40 g/l

Intestinal contact insecticide against pests on plantings of cereal crops, sugar beet, potato and other crops.

imidacloprid 200 g/l

Insecticide of systemic effect against a wide range of pests on potato, cucumbers, tomato, sugar beet, cereal crops, pastures.