Applicable preparations
Pheromone traps for monitoring and catching of vegetable and industrial crop insect pests
Imidor Extra, SC
Imidacloprid 200 g/l
Systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid class for a wide range of cropsFluid concentrated fertilizer with a high content of calcium in the highly absorbable plant form for foliar nutrition of agricultural, fruit and vegetable crops.
A consortium of agriculturally valuable strains of several beneficial bacterial species in a culture liquid, with a total titre of at least 1×109CFU/cm3
A microbiological degrader for accelerateddecomposition of stubble remains after harvesting
clopyralid /2-ethylhexyl ether/ 267g/l + picloram 80g/l+ aminopyralid 17g/l
A highly effective three-component postemergence herbicide in oil formulation intended to control dicotyledonous weeds on rape plantings.