Mechanism of action
The mechanism of action is based on inhibiting transport of electron s involved in photosynthesis. The preparation moves in an acropetal manner. The active ingredient is easily absorbed by roots and rootlets of plants, but may also penetrate through leaves.
The formulation - colloid solution concentrate - allows fast metribuzin penetration into the plant and good preparation adhesion to the leaf. This makes the preparation bio-efficient at a reduced mertribuzin dose.
Protective period
The preparation effectively suppresses rootlets of vegetating seeds and defers the second way of weeds. The preparation frees plantings from weeds for 1 month depending on weather conditions during the vegetation period.
Speed of action
Weeds cease growing as soon as these are treated with the preparation. Visible signs of exposure appear in 2 to 7 days, and weeds perish in 10 to 15 days after treatment.
Spectrum of action
Annual bilobate and cereal weeds
Sensitive species: bluebottle, speedwell (species), knotweed (species), charlock, tansy mustard, sheep bur, common fumitory, bur grass (species), satin, spring groundsel, pigweed (species). copper rose, loose silky bent, milkweed (species), rough-stalked bluegrass, oat grass, dandelion (species), caseweed, hemp nettle (species), ryegrass (species), wild radish, chamomile (species), crabgrass, bladder campion, sandweed, foxtail (species), amaranth (species), day-nettle.
Moderately sensitive species: Canadian thistle, velvetleaf, foxtail, field scorpion grass, sow thistle (species), houndsberry, common purslane, field chamomile, quack grass, sorgho (species), field pansy, dish mustard.
Feebly sensitive species: ragweed, catch weed.
Compatible with most herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides applied to agricultural crops. In each specific case, especially when mixed with microfertilizers, the components to be commingled shall be checked for physical and chemical compatibility.
Potential for resistance
No cases of weed resistance to the preparation are recorded.