Producing region: Central Black Earth (5), North Caucasus (6), Lower Volga (8)
Maturity group: mid-season-ripening
Vegetation period: 223 to 278 days
Yield: 11.0 t/ha (Krasnodar Region)
Hybrid morphological properties:
bush type: semi-erect and intermediate
spike: pyramidal, loose – of medium density, white, of medium length. Awnlike offshoots at the spike end are short. There is no or very slight pubescence on the terminal segment of the spike axis, on the convex side.
weight per 1,000 kernels:33-48 g
Grain: red
plant height: 85-90 cm
Resistance to disease
winter hardness: high
to diseases: resistant to powdery mildew, rust Susceptible to stem rust, Septoria blight and Fusarium head blight. It is as susceptible to solid smut as the reference grade is. .
lodging resistance: resistant to lodging and shedding