Producing region: Central Black Earth (5), North Caucasus (6), Lower Volga (8)
Maturity group: short-season
Vegetation period: 305 to 310 days
Yield: 11.78 t/ha (Stavropol Region)
Hybrid morphological properties:
bush type: erect/semi-erect
spike: pyramid-shaped, medium length, white, medium density, with short awnlike offshoots.
weight per 1,000 kernels:38-47 g
plant height: 73-95 cm
Resistance to disease
winter hardness: increased, similar to that of Grom
Drought resistance: above average
to diseases: highly resistant to yellow rust; resistant to brown rust and powdery mildew. Moderately susceptible to Septoria spot and Fusarium head blight. Susceptible to head smut.
lodging resistance: resistant
valuable wheat; good or excellent baking properties