
A consortium of agriculturally valuable strains of several beneficial bacterial species in a culture liquid, with a total titre of at least 1×109CFU/cm3

A microbiological degrader for accelerateddecomposition of stubble remains after harvesting

diflubenzuron 180 g/L+ acetamiprid 45 g/L

A combined insecticide with ovicidal effect to protect gardens and vineyards against various pests.

A liquid mineral fertiliser with macro- and micro-nutrients for the foliar dressing of agricultural crops.

Highly concentrated fertilizer with a high sulfur content

Liquid mineral fertilizers with a high sulfur content for fertilizing agricultural crops

75 g/l of Nitrogen (N) total + 500 g/l of Phosphorus (Р2О5)

Liquid concentrated fertilizer with high phosphorus content

A highly concentrated micronutrient fertilizer with zinc (Zn) content of more 700 g/L

Liquid concentrated fertilizer with high zinc content for foliar application of agricultural crops, for all soil types

dithianon 350 g/L

A special-purpose contact fungicide for control of apple scab and grapes mildew

diflovidazin 200 g/L

A powerful contact acaricide of a new chemical class for control of mites on apple trees, grapes, and soybeans.

spirodiclofen 250 g/L

Contact-action product of insecticide acaricidal chemical class to combat mites and other pests on apple, grapes, and soybean crops.

Biostimulant – anti-stress agent. Liquid multi-purpose bio-stimulating fertilizer with high content of amino acids for foliar fertilization of agricultural crops.