
Applicable preparations

dimethoate 300 g/l + beta-cypermethrin 40 g/l

Intestinal contact insecticide against pests on plantings of cereal crops, sugar beet, potato and other crops.

propisochlor 720 g/L 

Selective herbicide for control of annual grasses and some dicotyledonous weeds in crops of sunflower, corn, soybean, sugar beet.

clethodim 240 g/l

Highly efficient postemergence herbicide intended to control annual and perennial grass weeds on plantings of sugar beet, sunflower, and soybeans.

quizalofop-P-tefuryl 40 g/l

Postemergence herbicide of systemic effect intended to control annual and perennial grass weeds on cereal crop plantings.

carbendazim 300 g/L + azoxystrobin 100 g/L

Combined fungicide for the protection of cereal crops, soybeans and sugar beet from a complex of diseases

abamectin 18 g/L

Enteric contact insectoacaricide for the protection of apple trees, grapes, soya from mites.

quizalofop-P-ethyl 60 g/l

Postemergence herbicide intended to control annual and perennial grass weeds on plantings of sugar beet, soybeans, rape, sunflower, common flax, oilseed flax, pea, and chickpea.

glyphosate acid /potassium salt/ 540 g/l

Non-selective systemic herbicide of continuous action intended to exterminate annual and perennial grass and dicotyledonous weeds, grassland, trees and shrubs.

imazamox 38 g/l + chlorimuron-ethyl 12 g/l

Postemergence selective herbicide of systemic effect intended to control annual cereal and bilobate weeds on soybean plantings.

thifensulfuron-methyl 750 g/kg

A postemergent herbicide to control annual dicotyledonous weeds in soybean and maize. An ideal component of the tank mixtures to enhance the herbicidal effect