Applicable preparations
bentazone 300 g/l
Postemergence herbicide to control annual dicotyledonous weeds in soybean and pea crops.acifluorfen 320 g/L
A postemergent herbicide to control annual dicotyledonous weeds in soybean crops.quizalofop-P-ethyl 50 g/l + imazamox 38 g/l
Postemergence selective herbicide of systemic effect intended to control annual dicotyledonous weeds, and annual and perennial grass weeds on sunflower, pea and soybean plantings.metribuzin 250 g/l
System herbicide in an innovative formulation for controlling a wide range of dicotyledonous and grass weeds on potatoes, tomatoes, soybeans, chickpeas, lupine, winter wheat.