Schyolkovo Agrokhim JSC is one from a short list of companies producing pheromone traps by synthesizing active ingredients identical to sex pheromones of insects.
Pheromones of insects make integral part of the integrated plant protection. These are environmentally friendly substances having a specific effect on an individual insect or a group of allied insect species. Pheromones are applied in extremely low doses (nanograms) commensurate with natural background smells produced by insects. Due to their natural origin, they are environmentally compatible and maximize protection of the target crop.
Pheromones production is a specific process. Synthesis of active ingredients requires well-developed technological capabilities, costly equipment, high production standards, and highly skilled chemists. Some dozens or hundreds of grams of pheromone components will be enough to meet the monitoring requirements of the Russian Federation. Such synthesis is practical in laboratory conditions. That is the way Schyolkovo Agrokhim JSC chose and is capable of producing sets of traps for monitoring purposes upon corporate requests for over 25 agricultural and forest pest species.