Spring wheat
fenoxaprop-P-ethyl 90 g/l + clodinafop-propargyl 45 g/l + cloquintocet-mexyl (antidote) 40 g/l
Graminicide in the NANOformulation to protect wheat crops against a wide range of annual grass weeds
acetamiprid 150 g/l + prochloraz 100 g/l + tebuconazole 20 g/l + pyraclostrobin 15 g/l
A combination insectofungicidal seed treatment for cereal crop seeds in the innovative formulationA consortium of agriculturally valuable strains of several beneficial bacterial species in a culture liquid, with a total titre of at least 1×109CFU/cm3
A microbiological degrader for accelerateddecomposition of stubble remains after harvesting
A liquid mineral fertiliser with macro- and micro-nutrients for the foliar dressing of agricultural crops.
Highly concentrated fertilizer with a high sulfur content